Saturday, March 28, 2009

High Blood Pressure

Did you know that 60% of heart attack victims DO NOT have
clinical high blood pressure levels?

Yet, the fact that 40% of heart attack victims DO have high
blood pressure still shows a clear link between sudden heart
attacks and HBP . . .

Having HBP is definitely a tell-tale "sign" you are at high
risk of heart attack and your odds of developing heart
disease is substantially greater. Similar to having a
fever (high body temperature), high blood pressure is only
an indicator that there is something wrong!

It is important to know that heart attacks and heart disease
are NOT caused by high blood pressure. Still, too many of us
are under the false impression that treating a symptom (HBP)
is the same as treating the cause.

However, it is vital to keep your blood pressure under
control by determining the reason(s) why your BP levels are
elevated and then naturally treating the source of the
problem to normalize your blood pressure.

Just because your blood pressure reading was high at your
doctor's office surely does not mean you have to immediately
run off to take drugs for HBP.

In fact, many people are misdiagnosed with HBP - In some
cases a high blood pressure reading is actually due to
something called "White Coat Hypertension". This is common
phenomenon triggered by psychological factors, such as the
fear of doctors.

Another common problem is doctors and nurses often use an
arm cuff that is too small, which can give an incorrect high
blood pressure reading. "A survey showed that 96% of primary
care physicians habitually use a cuff size too small."
(Thomas G Pickering, 1994).

My whole point is to learn how to "truly care" for your own
health and well being, before you just jump into following
the recommendations of someone else, doctor or not.
Especially when it comes to taking HBP drugs, which may be
linked to increased risk of sudden heart attacks.

People who develop heart disease normally have several
common factors that are present before HBP becomes apparent.
Below are 7 possible causes of the inflammation problem that
can lead to elevated blood pressure:

1. Dehydration
2. High blood calcium levels
3. High blood sugar levels
4. Calcification of arterial linings
5. Neurogenic abnormalities
6. Vitamin D deficiency
7. Magnesium deficiency

NOTE: No where in all the evidence-based research available
have I found where a drug deficiency is the cause of HBP,
heart disease, or heart attack.

If taking drugs was the solution wouldn't you think that
less people would be dying from heart attacks these days?
Yet, sudden death is still all around us . . .

And why are people with NORMAL blood pressure developing
heart disease and having heart attacks? The fact is that HBP
drugs are only good for lowering blood pressure, and do not
reduce your risk of heart attack or heart disease.

If you are clinically diagnosed with HBP, you need to work
with your doctor to keep a watchful eye on it . . . However,
just because HBP drugs may keep your blood pressure
controlled chemically, doesn’t mean the risks are gone.

There is no magic pill that is going to cure you by treating
"the effect" or "the symptom" of a serious core health issue.
Drugs do not work with your body to cure sickness or disease;
they only chemically control parts without helping the whole
person at all.

There is no doubt about it, high blood pressure is one of
the signs that you may be at high risk for heart attack and
heart disease . . . But, if your heart is weakened and your
arteries are damaged you need to know WHY.

By understanding why, you are several steps ahead of current
western medicine. Your body has a natural ability to heal
and correct itself, without harmful drugs. Some call it an
inner wisdom, or innate intelligence, all you need to do is
commit to work with it . . .

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Broken Ankle

Amy came to me because her ankle was not healing after 8 weeks of being in a boot. That is a long time. She could not walk, drive or do what she was use to doing on a daily basis. Amy, has been on thyroid medication for over 2 years. Amy, smart as she is, asked her doctor, "Could my thyroid could have anything to do with my ankle not healing as it should?"

Her doctor,not remembering his anatomy and physiology, answered, " no, it's depression." "Let me give you an antidepressant."
These doctors have got to get a clue.

First of all, long term usage of synthroid causes liver cancer.
Secondly, the thyroid produces T1, T2, T3, T4, and calcitonin. Calcitonin is responsible for the body absorbing calcium, which allows broken bones to heal. Synthroid only replaces one of those important hormones...not calcitonin.
Finally, did her doctor question the pituitary, hypothalmus, or pineal gland in this situation?
Lets take a closer look... anti depressants to heal a broken ankle?? Give me a break!! Excuse the pun, but, let me tell you that after one week on a great whole food calcium/phosforous supplement, her ankle is healing just fine. The fact that the doctor called her depressed is as ridiculous as the patient I have whose doctor cut of her baby toes because they hurt. (stay tuned for a future blog)

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Head Trauma

Dennis B. came to my office kicking and fighting, his wife insisting he let me take a look at him. He had been suffering from severe leg pain for over 45 years. Dennis was a Vietnam Veteran. While in Viet Nam, the jeep he was riding in was blown up, he was thrown several hundred feet to meet head on, a tree. He laid in a coma for weeks, the medic's presumed he would die. Remarkably, Dennis awakened three weeks later, with leg pain. His doctor's told him he was lucky to be alive, and the leg pain would be something he would have to live with.
I examined Dennis from head to toe, only to find his cranial bones,(the skull bones), were barely moving. You see, the cranial bones must move to allow the cerebral spinal fluid to bathe the brain. When these bones are misaligned, or "locked up" as I like to call it, the body can be affected in many different ways.
I adjusted Dennis' cranium, using Upledger Cranio Sacral technique. About 2 minutes into the adjustment, Dennis fell sound asleep. I worked on his cranium for over 30 minutes. When Dennis awakened, he was very surprised, as was I, that his leg pain was gone! Head injuries, and childbirth can cause the cranium to become misaligned, so make it a point to have your cranium aligned!