Juan Pablo came into this world very quickly. His mother barely made it to the hospital, before he was born. He was hearing impaired, could not nurse, did not respond to anything, rarely cried, had trouble swallowing, and would frequently stop breathing for no apparent reason. Many tests were run, only to show, Pablo was a very healthy baby boy.
I found his first thoracic vertebra, first cervical, and fifth cervical were misaligned, his left jaw, his occiput, temporal, and parietal cranial bones were also misaligned. His stomach was up applying pressure on his sternum, causing him much distress while eating.
Five minutes after Pablo's chiropractic adjustment, and cranio-sacral therapy, he immediately started to nurse, could move his head from side to side, smiled, responded to sound, and had a bowel movement.
I attribute Pablo's problems to a very aggressive birth. Chiropractic care and
Cranio Sacral therapy should be a part of every childbirth. Pass this story to all, so that every child will have the opportunity if needed.
Please say a prayer for Juan Pablo.
Thankyou to LMT Jennifer Bogan for her help with Baby Pablo