This blog is dedicated to those who want to learn about their health, treat the cause not the symptom, and live a higher quality of life.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The Most Medicated Kids Are Americans
The Most Medicated Kids Are Americans
American children are approximately three times more likely to be prescribed psychotropic medication than children in Europe. A new study published in BioMed Central's open access journal Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health claims that the differences may be accounted for by regulatory practices and cultural beliefs about the role of medication in emotional and behavioural problems.
Julie Zito led a team of researchers from the USA, Germany and the Netherlands who investigated prescription levels in the three countries. She said, "Antidepressant and stimulant prevalence were three or more times greater in the US than in the Netherlands and Germany, while antipsychotic prevalence was 1.5 to 2.2 times greater".
The use of antidepressants, like Prozac, and stimulants, like Ritalin, in children has been the subject of a great deal of controversy and this study quantifies the differences in practice between the US and Western Europe. The authors claim that the differences may be partly due to different diagnostic classification systems, "The US trend of increasing bipolar diagnosis in children and adolescents does not reflect European practice". The authors also mention government cost restrictions in Europe, the larger number of child psychiatrists per capita in the US and the use of two or more different psychotropic drugs in a single year in US children as possible explanations.
Zito concludes that, "Direct to consumer drug advertising, which is common in the US, is also likely to account for some of the differences. The increased use of medication in the US also reflects the individualist and activist therapeutic mentality of US medical culture".
Article adapted by Medical News Today from original press release.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
The Benefits of Chlorophyll
Chlorophyll is miraculous. It has SO MANY health benefits it makes it a true wonder-food. However, the most marvelous and amazing benefit it gives comes from the fact that its molecular structure is absolutely identical to hemoglobin except for the center atom. In hemoglobin this is iron, whereas in chlorophyll it is magnesium. This means that when ingested, chlorophyll actually helps to do the job of hemoglobin (hemoglobin is so vital to the health of our blood - in fact, blood is approx 75% hemoglobin). It helps to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, boosting our energy and increasing our well being almost instantly.
Chlorophyll has the power to regenerate our bodies at the molecular and cellular level and is known to help cleanse the body, fight infection, help heal wounds, and promote the health of the circulatory, digestive, immune, and detoxification systems. Chlorophyll consumption increases the number of red blood cells and, therefore, increase oxygen utilization by the body. Chlorophyll also reduces the binding of carcinogens to DNA in the liver and other organs. It also breaks down calcium oxalate stones for elimination, which are created by the body for the purpose of neutralizing and disposing of excess acid.
Other Chlorophyll Benefits
So in addition to helping to rebuild and replenish our red blood cells, chlorophyll, being highly alkaline, also gives the body the following benefits:
* Anti Carcinogenic: Chlorophyll protects against a whole host of carcinogens found in fungus-laden foods such as nuts and grains, the toxins from cooked meats, and air-borne carcinogens (from pollution). It blocks the metabolism in the body of harmful chemicals known as procarcinogens that damage DNA. Studies published in the journals Carcinogenesis and Food and Chemical Toxicology clearly display that chlorophyll inhibits carcinogenesis.
* Antioxidant & Anti-inflammatory: containing high levels of the vitamins A, C and E, chlorophyll has strong antioxidant capacity and has also been found to help reduce inflammation.
* Chelation of Heavy Metals: chlorophyll is one of the most important chelates in nature. It’s ability to bind to and remove toxic heavy metals such as mercury makes it an extremely powerful healer. I’m about to have four mercury fillings removed, and you can bet that I will be getting PLENTY of chlorophyll into my body after the procedure!
* Antiseptic: while chlorophyll doesn’t actually have antiseptic properties of its own, it, quite remarkably, DOES have the ability to aid our body’s tissue in destroying germs. By strengthening tissue, it increases the disease resistance of cells and, at the same time, prevents the growth of bacteria!
* Treats Bad Breath: This one is a real bonus and really works! Chlorophyll has a double-action remedy for bad breath. Firstly, as a deodoriser, it will eliminate odours in the mouth and throat, but secondly (and more importantly) it promotes a healthy digestive tract - which is the primary reason for bad breath.
* Rapid Delivery of Magnesium: this has a highly alkalising effect on the body and helps to deliver much needed oxygen to cells and tissues.
* Contains vitamin K, C, folic acid, iron, calcium, protein: which are all also essential in building and repairing red blood cells and boosting our immune system.
How to Get the Benefits of Chlorophyll
All of the health benefits of chlorophyll are easy to get on a daily basis. The simple way? Eat your greens and drink your greens. I know we are always going on about the importance of greens in your diet, but this is one of the main reasons why - it ensures you’re getting plenty of chlorophyll!
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Some Words to Think About
Monday, May 25, 2009
NEW ULM, Minn., May 25 (UPI) -- A mother and 13-year-old son who allegedly fled after a judge ordered him to undergo chemotherapy have returned to Minnesota, police say.
Daniel Hauser's family wanted to rely on natural healing methods instead of technology, but doctors said he would die without chemotherapy, the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune reported. The teen has a tumor growing in his chest.
Brown County officials said there would be a news conference on the case Monday evening at the courthouse in New Ulm, Minn.
County officials said they had been working with state and federal officials, including the FBI, to find the teenager. The Star Tribune said the Hausers were thought to have gone to Mexico to seek natural healing treatment.
There are up to 50 clinics in Mexican border communities offering cancer patients alternative treatment, the American Cancer Society says.
My son Kevil Murray was diagnosed with testicular cancer almost three years ago. He was given six months to live, unless he did chemo therapy, radiation, and radical surgery. He had one baseball size tumor on his left testicle, and three tumors surrounding his kidney's. Kevil made the choice of doing Gerson Therapy for his cancer. The chemo therapy doctor's called me a murderer, and told me if Kevil were under the age of eighteen, they would have me arrested. My son is living, celebrating his life, and helping others to heal themselves of cancer. He did not lose his hair, vomit, or poison his body with the chemicals and surgeries the medical doctors had planned for him.
It should be a crime for the American Medical Establishment to have the power to force a child, and or parents to adhere to their beliefs that chemo therapy cures cancer. It is a lie. How dare they believe that the human body given the right God given nutrition and detoxification cannot be healed of any disease. How dare they take away our rights to decide for ourselves how we want to heal.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Someone saved my life tonight! And that person is one of my new favorite
awesome people, Kate! She not only changed out of her PJs to come across
town to pick me up, but she did a lot of other things for me too; she has
a very generous and healing spirit. And Gaffney is really cool too :) I
had such a great time at their house, and I hope I get to meet with them
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Swine Flu Advice
The swine flu is a respiratory disease caused by the type- A influenza virus which is a variant of the usual H1N1 flu virus. The H1N1 virus is the same virus that causes the flu in humans. What is different about this virus is that it contains DNA from bird and pig flu strains. How does a virus have DNA from a pig and bird and yet be able to infect humans? Scientists do not know how this mutation came about. Whether it is a man-made virus (created in a lab) or a spontaneous mutation is not known. However, a spontaneous mutation causing this virus is unlikely. I am not sure how this came about, but, hopefully, when the hysteria subsides, we can have a proper investigation which will point out how this mutation occurred.
But, let’s get to the basics. What should you do? Number one, don’t panic. The vast majority of the people ill with the flu have not died. Presently, no one in the U.S. has died of this flu. That is not to say it could not happen, but we must not let the media create a state of panic.
Next, ensure you are taking adequate amounts of vitamin C. If I had one nutrient available to me, it would be vitamin C. I suggest taking 3-5,000mg/day of vitamin C. If you are becoming ill or are ill, I would suggest increasing the vitamin C intake to bowel tolerance. That is, take as much as you can until you have diarrhea. Then, lower the dose until the diarrhea resolves. When you are ill, your vitamin C requirements dramatically increase. Usually, you can tolerate much higher doses of vitamin C when you are ill versus when you are feeling well.
In my office, we routinely do vitamin C IV’s when people are ill. These nutrient IV’s are a fantastic treatment for acute illnesses, especially the flu. If you have access to IV nutrient therapies, be sure to utilize these in times of need.
Ensure you are taking adequate amounts of vitamin D. I frequently have my patients take short-term, larger doses of vitamin D (10,000-50,000Units/day) for 2-5 days at the first sign of the flu.
Iodine is another nutrient that has potent immune stimulating capabilities to it. No virus has been shown to be resistant to iodine. It is important to achieve iodine sufficiency before you become ill.
Also, eating a good diet, free of refined food products helps every condition, including the flu. Lastly, make sure you are well hydrated by drinking adequate amounts of water.
These are the proper steps to take to prevent and treat the flu.
Back to mom’s question. What about Tamaflu? Tamaflu is fraught with side effects including diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, fatigue and cough. Sounds like the flu to me. Furthermore, the FDA has put a warning label on Tamaflu stating that it can cause adverse effects such as delirium, hallucinations, or other related behavior. Tamaflu has been banned in Japan (for children 10-19 years of age) as it was shown to cause brain infections and psychiatric problems including self harm in some users.
My experience with viral illnesses, such as the flu has been clear; it is best treated with a nutritional and common sense approach. Rest, keep hydrated and take vitamin C.
That advice was similar to what I received from my mother when I was ill as a child. So, to answer my mother—I will recommend following her advice. Drink lots of fluids (preferably water), rest, and take vitamin C. It is a lot safer than Tamaflu and has worked great for my practice.
posted by Dr. David Brownstein @ 10:30 AM
Friday, May 15, 2009
Important Tips On Eating Out
I read this article by Dr. Oz, and thought it was great advice!
Avoid Restaurant Catastrophes
To us, a restaurant catastrophe isn’t just when a waiter spills something on you or when you accidentally miscalculate the tip. When it comes to your health, a catastrophe is what can happen in the first and last 10 minutes of a meal. But it doesn’t have to. Here’s how to dine out, enjoy your meal, and be trim and healthy, too:
Before You Go
Don’t arrive starving! Eat a little healthy fat -- like about six walnut halves -- before a meal. The healthy fat in walnuts triggers a chain reaction that slows the rate at which your stomach empties, so you’ll feel fuller faster. But the chain reaction takes 30 minutes, so plan for it.
The First 10 Minutes
• Raise a glass. Of water. To your lips. This can fill you up, so you don’t overeat.
• Ask for cut-up veggies instead of bread. Most quality restaurants (including inexpensive ones) provide this option.
• Dip in olive oil. If the restaurant brings you whole-grain bread, dip it in olive oil. People who opt for this over butter eat less bread.
• Request the bottles. Order oil and vinegar on the side. Relying on the kitchen to dress your salad -- even with oil and vinegar -- can deliver as many as 450 extra calories!
The Last 10 Minutes
• Share. Get one dessert for every four or five people, and have just a few bites. If there are just two of you, take half of the dessert home, and freeze it for a special occasion.
• Savor your wine. Ending a meal with a glass of wine lets you avoid the cloying aftertaste of sweets . . . and helps you avoid calorie-bombs, too.
• Go European. Do what many Europeans do: Make salad the last thing you eat.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Coffee Enema
by Alexandra Astakhov
The use of coffee in enemas for detoxification purposes is well known. It is a common herbalogical remedy that has been suggested by holistic and alternative medicine professionals for many years.
Why Coffee Enema Cleansing Works
The effects of a coffee enema are different than a saline enema. The most important difference between a saline enema and a coffee enema is the presence of caffeine in the coffee. Caffeine, theophylline and theobromine, combine to stimulate the relaxation of smooth muscles causing dilatation of blood vessels and bile ducts. The effects of having a coffee enema are not the same as drinking coffee. The veins of the anus are very close to the surface of the tissue. The caffeine is therefore absorbed more quickly (and in higher concentration) than it is in when coffee is drunk.
Benefits of Enemas and Colonics with Coffee
Enemas and Colonics have been used for hundreds of years, and are generally regarded as safe. Additionally, coffee cleansing enemas have a chemical makeup that is stimulative. The enzymes in coffee, known as palmitates, help the liver carry away the toxins in bile acid. The coffee is absorbed into the hemorrhoidal vein, then taken up to the liver by the portal vein. With the bile ducts dilated, bile carries toxins away to the gastro-intestinal tract. Simultaneously, peristaltic activity is encouraged because of the flooding of the lower colon. Thus, when the colon is evacuated, the toxins and bile are carried out of the body.
Enema and Colonic Supplies and kits
* You will need to buy a re-usable enema kit. See my website.
* Distilled water.
* Organic coffee, any roasting level will do.
* French Press pot.
Coffee Enema Recipe
* Bring 8 cups of water to a boil.
* Grind eight heaping spoonfuls of organic coffee. Put it in a french press pot. You can use a drip coffee maker, but be sure to use organic, non-bleached coffee filters.
* Pour the water over the coffee grounds and let it steep then cool for one hour or more.
* After this amount of time, the liquid should be about body temperature. If you stick your finger in the water it should be lukewarm or cool, but not hot.
* Press the coffee grounds to the bottom, then pour the coffee liquid into the enema bag.
* Never utilize flavored coffee, sweetened coffee, or coffee with milk (cafe au lait) for this purpose.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The function of the human body can be compared to a finely tuned high performance gasoline engine. Imagine a $3 million race car that runs on a unique and special high performance fuel and oil mixture. The timing is perfect with superbly designed points and plugs with a positively designed manifold and exhaust system. The fuel burns in the cylinders when ignited by the spark from the electrical system and energy or work is performed allowing the vehicle to travel at speeds in excess of 200 miles per hour. With this expenditure of energy, the waste products must be eliminated through the exhaust system. Now, if any one of these components is slightly altered, the vehicle’s performance is greatly impaired.
An optimum functioning human body is the same. Here, the fuel is composed of the food we eat, and the liquids we drink. The electrical system is under the direction and control of the nervous system and the energy or the body’s performance is effected through the intracellular metabolism of the ten trillion cells in the body. The resulting metabolic waste products are eliminated as a function of the skin, lungs, and bowels that make up the exhaust mechanism. And similar to the high performance vehicle, the body’s ability to function will be impaired if any of these systems are not working at optimum efficiency. Extended impairment of function eventually results not only in poor performance but in ill health and the generation of chronic degenerative disease.
The moment we are born we begin to die. It is our ability to cope with the stresses of our environment that determines how long we will live. How difficult it is for our body systems to cope on a day to day basis reflects how good we feel and how much we are able to accomplish. The greater the degree of environmental stress (air pollution, atomic radiation, industrial chemical exposure, viral and bacterial invasion, food and chemical insults, preservatives and emotional stress), the greater the susceptibility to pathological changes and disease. When we can no longer endure, function and cope, we die.
When symptoms first develop they often are due to a simple, elementary problem. If the cause is not identified then the problem usually worsens and additional body functions are impaired, even so slightly. Over time, secondary pathogens may enter because of less than ideal immune function. Perhaps drugs are prescribed. Although the symptoms may be alleviated, the underlying cause persists. The problem is “masked,” much like smelling a mild scent of something burning. We can immediately seek the source of the heat and remedy the problem or we can simply wait and see what develops. If the odor is bothersome we might “stuff” our nostrils with cotton, eliminating the odor. Either way, the cause has not been identified and most likely in time, a major portion of the structure will be engulfed in flames and perhaps, the whole house will be destroyed. Remember, cancer begins with one single cell going wrong. If not destroyed, it can multiply into a small tumor the size of a garden pea containing a colony of one-billion malignant cells. To save lives, disease must be caught and eradicated early!
During the Middle Ages, philosophers divided the body into three systems: body; mind; and spirit. The physician attended to the physical ailment; the psychiatrist cared for the emotions and problems of the mind; and the clergy attended to the needs of the spirit and troubles of the soul. Today it is much more complicated. We have doctors who only treat joints, others who treat stomach trouble, and specialists for the nervous system, heart and blood vessels, the kidney, and nearly every organ. Women have gynecologists to add to the list. And of course, the dentist for the tooth. The problem with all these specialty disciplines is that no one is looking at the “whole” person. This, in itself, by lack of integration, has generated and perpetuated to some degree, a hindrance or curtailment of health and wellness in the patients served.
We must determine our patient’s ability to cope by identifying and measuring the biological organic components of her system. We must take a whole or complete approach. The application of “holistic health care” emphasizes a total integration of symptoms, embracing the psychological, mental, emotional, spiritual and physical aspects of the patient. Unequivocally, disease or sickness is the outcome of a complex interaction of factors derived from social, physical, psychological, and environmental influences.
By Michael Cessna D.C.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
High Blood Pressure
Did you know that 60% of heart attack victims DO NOT have
clinical high blood pressure levels?
Yet, the fact that 40% of heart attack victims DO have high
blood pressure still shows a clear link between sudden heart
attacks and HBP . . .
Having HBP is definitely a tell-tale "sign" you are at high
risk of heart attack and your odds of developing heart
disease is substantially greater. Similar to having a
fever (high body temperature), high blood pressure is only
an indicator that there is something wrong!
It is important to know that heart attacks and heart disease
are NOT caused by high blood pressure. Still, too many of us
are under the false impression that treating a symptom (HBP)
is the same as treating the cause.
However, it is vital to keep your blood pressure under
control by determining the reason(s) why your BP levels are
elevated and then naturally treating the source of the
problem to normalize your blood pressure.
Just because your blood pressure reading was high at your
doctor's office surely does not mean you have to immediately
run off to take drugs for HBP.
In fact, many people are misdiagnosed with HBP - In some
cases a high blood pressure reading is actually due to
something called "White Coat Hypertension". This is common
phenomenon triggered by psychological factors, such as the
fear of doctors.
Another common problem is doctors and nurses often use an
arm cuff that is too small, which can give an incorrect high
blood pressure reading. "A survey showed that 96% of primary
care physicians habitually use a cuff size too small."
(Thomas G Pickering, 1994).
My whole point is to learn how to "truly care" for your own
health and well being, before you just jump into following
the recommendations of someone else, doctor or not.
Especially when it comes to taking HBP drugs, which may be
linked to increased risk of sudden heart attacks.
People who develop heart disease normally have several
common factors that are present before HBP becomes apparent.
Below are 7 possible causes of the inflammation problem that
can lead to elevated blood pressure:
1. Dehydration
2. High blood calcium levels
3. High blood sugar levels
4. Calcification of arterial linings
5. Neurogenic abnormalities
6. Vitamin D deficiency
7. Magnesium deficiency
NOTE: No where in all the evidence-based research available
have I found where a drug deficiency is the cause of HBP,
heart disease, or heart attack.
If taking drugs was the solution wouldn't you think that
less people would be dying from heart attacks these days?
Yet, sudden death is still all around us . . .
And why are people with NORMAL blood pressure developing
heart disease and having heart attacks? The fact is that HBP
drugs are only good for lowering blood pressure, and do not
reduce your risk of heart attack or heart disease.
If you are clinically diagnosed with HBP, you need to work
with your doctor to keep a watchful eye on it . . . However,
just because HBP drugs may keep your blood pressure
controlled chemically, doesn’t mean the risks are gone.
There is no magic pill that is going to cure you by treating
"the effect" or "the symptom" of a serious core health issue.
Drugs do not work with your body to cure sickness or disease;
they only chemically control parts without helping the whole
person at all.
There is no doubt about it, high blood pressure is one of
the signs that you may be at high risk for heart attack and
heart disease . . . But, if your heart is weakened and your
arteries are damaged you need to know WHY.
By understanding why, you are several steps ahead of current
western medicine. Your body has a natural ability to heal
and correct itself, without harmful drugs. Some call it an
inner wisdom, or innate intelligence, all you need to do is
commit to work with it . . .
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
The Broken Ankle
Amy came to me because her ankle was not healing after 8 weeks of being in a boot. That is a long time. She could not walk, drive or do what she was use to doing on a daily basis. Amy, has been on thyroid medication for over 2 years. Amy, smart as she is, asked her doctor, "Could my thyroid could have anything to do with my ankle not healing as it should?"
Her doctor,not remembering his anatomy and physiology, answered, " no, it's depression." "Let me give you an antidepressant."
These doctors have got to get a clue.
First of all, long term usage of synthroid causes liver cancer.
Secondly, the thyroid produces T1, T2, T3, T4, and calcitonin. Calcitonin is responsible for the body absorbing calcium, which allows broken bones to heal. Synthroid only replaces one of those important hormones...not calcitonin.
Finally, did her doctor question the pituitary, hypothalmus, or pineal gland in this situation?
Lets take a closer look... anti depressants to heal a broken ankle?? Give me a break!! Excuse the pun, but, let me tell you that after one week on a great whole food calcium/phosforous supplement, her ankle is healing just fine. The fact that the doctor called her depressed is as ridiculous as the patient I have whose doctor cut of her baby toes because they hurt. (stay tuned for a future blog)
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Head Trauma
Dennis B. came to my office kicking and fighting, his wife insisting he let me take a look at him. He had been suffering from severe leg pain for over 45 years. Dennis was a Vietnam Veteran. While in Viet Nam, the jeep he was riding in was blown up, he was thrown several hundred feet to meet head on, a tree. He laid in a coma for weeks, the medic's presumed he would die. Remarkably, Dennis awakened three weeks later, with leg pain. His doctor's told him he was lucky to be alive, and the leg pain would be something he would have to live with.
I examined Dennis from head to toe, only to find his cranial bones,(the skull bones), were barely moving. You see, the cranial bones must move to allow the cerebral spinal fluid to bathe the brain. When these bones are misaligned, or "locked up" as I like to call it, the body can be affected in many different ways.
I adjusted Dennis' cranium, using Upledger Cranio Sacral technique. About 2 minutes into the adjustment, Dennis fell sound asleep. I worked on his cranium for over 30 minutes. When Dennis awakened, he was very surprised, as was I, that his leg pain was gone! Head injuries, and childbirth can cause the cranium to become misaligned, so make it a point to have your cranium aligned!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Watch those surgical scars!
Billy came to my office with severe back pain. The pain came on "out of no where". He could barely walk, stand, or lie down without pain. The MRI and Xrays were normal, but his orthopedic surgeon scheduled an exploratory surgery. I checked his spine, and found a bulging disc between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebra, and his right hip was misaligned. I adjusted him, but no pain relief. I suggested he go home and allow the adjustment to take effect. Billy came in again the next day, with no change, in fact, he said the pain was worse. I studied his case history to discover he had an inguinal hernia surgery ten years ago. I palpated the surgical scar to discover much scar tissue. I could tell Billy thought I was crazy when I began breaking up the scar tissue on the front of his body, because the pain was in his back. Within fifteen minutes, his pain decreased by eighty percent. Billy was able to stand, bend, sit, and move without pain. You see, the scar tissue had twisted and wrapped around his hip and low back vertrebra.
Scar tissue is responsible for many health problems, and is rarely addressed. Barnes Myofascial Release is a technique used to break up scar tissue from the outside. Remember, if the scar tissue is removed surgically, of course more scar tissue will be created from that surgery.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
What was the first clue?
Jane D. came to my office at the age of 16. Jane's parents signed her out of the State Mental Institution for two days to find help for their struggling daughter. When Jane was 14, about a month before beginning her menstrual cycle, she began to have psychotic episodes. She would have days of depression followed by days of manic behavior. The migraines began the day before her cycle. Jane began cutting herself, acting out, and threatening suicide. Her parents, terrified of this crazy behavior, took her to their doctor, who referred her to a therapist. The therapist referred her to a psychiatrist, who diagnosed her manic depressant/schizophrenic. The prescribed drugs sedated Jane, and stopped most of the crazy behavior, that is, until she was premenstrual again. After two years of scary episodes, Jane was admitted into a State Institution. More drugs, electro shock treatment, you name it, they did it.
I examined and tested Jane to find the following imbalances: Epstein Barr Virus, Pituitary gland, Hypothalmus gland, Pineal gland, Thyroid, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Adrenal glands, Estrogen dominance, Progesterone deficiency, Irritable bowel, Gall bladder congestion, and a distrupted sleep cycle. In my tests, emotionally, I found nothing, that is, nothing but a frustrated young girl.
I suggested nutritional supplements to help strengthen her immune system, balance her hormones, as well as correcting her digestive and sleep cycle problems. Fortunately, her psychiatrist went along with the nutritional protocol, and Jane was released from the State Institution within three months. The greatest issue of course was breaking the addiction to the pharmaceutical antipsychotic drugs.
Jane is well. She finished high school, graduated from college, and recently met the love of her life.
There are many clues to our health issues. Let us all listen to our bodies, and ask questions before we are led down a path that is irreversable.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Xenohormones are substances (pollutants) originating outside the body that have hormone-like and estrogen-like activities. Exposure to these substances can have a profound impact on your natural hormonal balance.
Xenohormone exposure is especially high in today's industrialized countries and results from consumption of feed lot meats and dairy products (full of synthetic hormones), commercially grown fruits and vegetables (grown with pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals) petrochemical compounds (perfume, hair spray, room deodorizers, cooking with plastic, etc…) and prescription synthetic estrogens and progestins (such as the pill and estrogen replacement therapy). These exposures are responsible for reproductive abnormalities that are approaching epidemic proportions such as; cancers of the reproductive tract, infertility, and low sperm counts.
The potential consequences of these exposures are overwhelming, especially since we are passing these reproductive abnormalities on to our children.
If you feel you have been exposed to Xenohormones, and would like to detox from them, please visit my website at I have liver detoxification protocols you can do as well as nutritional supplements you can take to maintain a balanced hormonal system. Here are some tips to avoid xenohormones.
* Wear natural fibres.
* Buy hormone free organic meats.
* Buy organic produce, vegetables and fruits grown without pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers or hormones.
* Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food and water.
* Use a simple detergent with lesser chemicals. This includes laundry detergents and household cleaners.
* Use organic soaps, shampoo and personal care products.
* Use natural pest control not pesticides.
* Don’t use herbicides. Use a cup of salt in 4 liters of vinegar instead.
* Use of Vitamin A, C, E to combat xenoestrogen effects.
* Eat broccoli, cabbage etc.
* Use condoms without spermicides instead of birth control.
* Avoid parabens used in skin care products.
Estrogen Dominance
Estrogen Dominance
Estrogen dominance is a term coined by Dr. Lee in his first book on natural progesterone. It describes a condition where a woman can have deficient, normal or excessive estrogen, but has little or no progesterone to balance its effects in the body. Even a woman with low estrogen levels can have estrogen dominance symptoms if she doesn't have any progesterone.
The symptoms and conditions associated with estrogen dominance are:
* Acceleration of the aging process
* Allergies, including asthma, hives, rashes, sinus congestion
* Autoimmune disorders such as lupus erythematosis and thyroiditis, and possibly Sjoegren's disease
* Breast cancer
* Breast tenderness
* Cervical dysplasia
* Cold hands and feet as a symptom of thyroid dysfunction
* Copper excess
* Decreased sex drive
* Depression with anxiety or agitation
* Dry eyes
* Early onset of menstruation
* Endometrial (uterine) cancer
* Fat gain, especially around the abdomen, hips and thighs
* Fatigue
* Fibrocystic breasts
* Foggy thinking
* Gallbladder disease
* Hair Loss
* Headaches
* Hypoglycemia
* Increased blood clotting (increasing risk of strokes)
* Infertility
* Irregular menstrual periods
* Irritability
* Insomnia
* Magnesium deficiency
* Memory loss
* Mood swings
* Osteoporosis
* Polycystic ovaries
* Premenopausal bone loss
* Prostate cancer
* Sluggish metabolism
* Thyroid dysfunction mimicking hypothyroidism
* Uterine cancer
* Uterine fibroids
* Water retention, bloating
* Zinc deficiency
Strictly speaking, it's possible that we are all -- men, women and children -- suffering a little from estrogen dominance, because there is so much of it in our environment. You would have to virtually live in a bubble to escape the excess estrogens we're exposed to through pesticides, plastics, industrial waste products, car exhaust, meat, soaps and much of the carpeting, furniture and paneling that we live with indoors every day. You may have on-and-off sinus problems, headaches, dry eyes, asthma or cold hands and feet for example, and not know to attribute them to your exposure to xenohormones. Over time the exposure will cause more chronic problems such as arthritis and premenopause symptoms, and may be a direct or indirect cause of cancer.
To read more about estrogen dominance and its causes, please read Dr. Lee's books,What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause , or What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Premenopause. To see nutritional protocols for Estrogen Dominance please visit my website at
Microwave Ovens
Are you among the millions of people everyday exchanging your health for the convenience of microwave ovens? Before you use your microwave one more time, you might want to consider some facts
The Nazis are credited with inventing the first microwaves. Known first as radiomissors, they were used for preparation of meals on a mass scale during the invasion of Russia -- thus eliminating the logistical problem of cooking fuels. After the war, the Russians had retrieved some of these microwave ovens and conducted thorough research on their biological effects. So alarmed by what they learned, the Russians banned microwave ovens in 1976.
By far the most compelling evidence supporting the dangers of microwaves comes from a highly regarded study done by Dr. Hans Hertel, a Swiss food scientist, who concluded that microwave cooking significantly altered food's nutrients -- so significantly that participants' blood changes suggested deterioration.
Not surprisingly, Dr. Hertel's study was met with great resistance from those with much to lose. After a gag order by a Swiss trade organization was removed, his study was finally published in 1992. Dr. Hertel's startling findings showed that microwave cooking resulted in:
* Increased cholesterol levels
* Decreased leukocytes, or white blood cells, which can suggest poisoning
* Decreased numbers of red blood cells
* Production of radiolytic compounds (compounds unknown in nature)
* Decreased hemoglobin levels, which could indicate anemic tendencies
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Twelve years ago, Professor Irving Weissman discovered a treatment that could have saved the lives of thousands of women with advanced breast cancer. Pharmaceutical companies weren’t interested in developing the therapy at the time.
Though interest in his methods are finally being ignited, Weissman regrets the wasted time. In a set of lectures, Weissman repeatedly expressed frustration that while many of his discoveries in the field of stem cell research seemed to hold remarkable potential for life-saving treatments, commercial or regulatory hurdles have prevented his scientific findings from benefiting patients.
One example is Weissman’s research on type I diabetes, in which he demonstrated the ability to fully cure type I diabetes in mice using stem cells. But even though his experiments avoided political controversy by using adult stem cells, which do not come from embryos, Weissman ran into a road block when pharmaceutical companies refused to sponsor clinical trials.
Weissman believes that the pharmaceutical companies put profit over principle, preferring to keep diabetes sufferers dependent on costly insulin than to cure them once and for all.
Type 1 diabetes, or insulin dependent diabetes, is a really sad chronic condition. This is in stark contrast to
type 2, which is caused by insulin resistance and faulty leptin signaling, due to inappropriate diet and lack of exercise – an entirely preventable, and nearly 100 percent reversible condition through lifestyle modifications.Type 1 diabetics, however, do not produce insulin and must therefore inject insulin several times a day. The disease tends to progress rather quickly and therefore needs to be diagnosed early, as it can result in serious long-term complications including blindness, kidney failure, heart disease and stroke.
Tragically those with type 1 diabetes can have the healthiest lifestyle possible yet still suffer many diseases, as current technology is a poor substitute for a fully functioning pancreas. The sad thing about type 1 diabetes is that it now appears nearly completely preventable. New research suggests if a pregnant woman has optimal vitamin D levels during her pregnancy and then maintains them in her baby once delivered, this should radically reduce if not virtually eliminate type 1 diabetes.
Obviously finding out this information after a person has had their pancreatic islet cells destroyed and is insulin dependent doesn’t help much, but the good news is that within your lifetime we will have developed the ability to safely replace these cells, most likely with similar approaches to the one described in the article above.
If this sounds farfetched, you should know that Dr. Weissman is not the only scientist to lay claim to the power of stem cells to cure type 1 diabetes.
In 2007 the British Times Online reported on the first clinical evidence for the efficacy of Hematopoietic stem cells (stem cells derived from bone marrow) in type 1 diabetes.
The Brazilian study, published in Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA), found that treatment-related toxicity was low, with zero mortality. All but two of the volunteers (93 percent) in the trial did not require daily insulin injections for up to three years after the end of their treatment, as the therapy allowed their bodies to start producing the hormone naturally again.
The main drawback with the particular therapy used in that study, from my standpoint, is that drugs were used to first suppress the patients’ immune system before receiving transfusions of stem cells drawn from their own blood. Suppression of your immune system could lead to all types of health problems – after all, your immune system is your primary line of defense – however, the theory of using stem cells to reactivate natural insulin production is an intriguing and hopeful one.
Does Big Pharma Want to Find a Cure for Diabetes?
It certainly would not make financial sense, and I think it’s fairly safe to say that pharmaceutical companies are in business these days to make money – not to actually cure disease. So, when Dr. Weissman implies that he was unable to entice pharmaceutical sponsors because they prefer to keep diabetes sufferers dependent on costly insulin, he’s probably not far off.
There are numerous examples of well-educated, innovative doctors and scientists who have created alternative medical treatments that far supersede conventional drug treatments, and yet they are more frequently than not shunned, persecuted, or even prosecuted for their efforts.
At least Dr. Weissman did not suffer a fate similar to any of these doctors:
- Gaston Naessens – Dr. Naessens cancer treatment is based on the theory that cancer is caused by a friendly microorganism called somatids ("little bodies") -- which are present in all cells -- that becomes unfriendly. His formula, 714X, provides nitrogen to the cancer cells, thus causing this microorganism to cease excreting their toxic compounds, and mobilize your immune system to kill the cancer cells. He was subsequently put on trial for his cancer discoveries.
- Stanislaw Burzynski -- Dr. Burzynski, founder of the Houston-based Burzynski Institute, treats cancer patients with substances called antineoplastons. He was indicted by a grand jury in 1995 for his use of antineoplastons– his second trial that year. He was acquitted.
- Ryke Geerd Hamer – Dr. Hamer’s “German New Medicine” (GNM), operates under the premise that every disease originates from an unexpected shock experience, and that all disease can be cured by resolving these underlying emotional traumas. Despite a 95 percent success rate, Dr. Hamer has spent time in prison for refusing to disavow his medical findings and stop treating his patients with his unorthodox techniques, and is currently living in exile, seeking asylum from persecution.
Adult Stem Cell Treatments are the Wave of the Future
I believe therapies using adult stem cells – as opposed to embryonic stem cells which are at the heart of the stem cell controversy – is and will continue to be a major, exciting part of the future of medicine.
There’s little risk of rejection when using your own adult stem cells, so you’re less likely to need dangerous immunosuppressive drugs. And besides certain ethical issues and regulatory barriers to embryonic stem cell therapy, adult stem cells may hold several technical advantages. For one, they may be more viable.
It’s a little known fact that only about 30 percent of conceptions advance to term. In other words, about 70 percent of embryos may be so defective that they naturally abort.
In addition to eventually helping restore internal organs, immune systems and more, adult stem cell therapies also hold the promise of restoring old skin and bald scalps. I am personally beta testing a new product for regrowing hair that has adult stem cell factors (primarily peptides, no DNA) and have been favorably impressed with the results to date.
One major player in the field is The Maximum Life Foundation. They have discovered an emerging technology that could fine tune stem cell treatments and make every adult stem cell therapy in the world much more safe and effective.
As you age, your stem cells diminish in quality and quantity, so just when you require strong stem cells the most, you’re becoming deficient. Hence your organs and tissues eventually wear out and need to be restored or replaced.
Cells become randomly damaged or mutated over time, but a small percentage may incur relatively little damage—or may escape damage altogether. So some of your stem cells may be as pristine as those that you enjoyed as a teenager, or even as an infant.
The technology discovered by The Maximum Life Foundation identifies, isolates, and amplifies those “pristine” stem cells from your own population for therapies. This selection process could supercharge stem cell treatments by using these “best of breed” cells instead of old cells.
Stem Cell Treatments Have Been Proven to Work
As a bridge to human therapies, a San Diego company has already given us a peek into the future with their horse and dog treatments. Vet-Stem provides a quick-turnaround laboratory service that lets veterinarians to use regenerative cells in animals.
The veterinarian simply collects a small fat sample from the patient and ships it overnight to the Vet-Stem laboratory. Then, Vet-Stem processes the sample, concentrates the cells which are shipped in ready-to-inject syringes. Finally, the veterinarian injects the cells directly into the injured site.
With more than 3,000 horses treated and multiple studies demonstrating the success and safety of their regenerative medicine, Vet-Stem currently helps horses and dogs with fractures, joint disease, or tendon or ligament injuries return to their full level of ability.
Just imagine what the prospects for aged humans might be if similar treatments used pristine human stem cells. Type 1 diabetes wouldn’t be the only chronic disease that could be effectively wiped out.
However, despite Dr. Weissman’s negative experiences in trying to bring his findings to the fore, it’s not completely out of the question yet. In an accompanying editorial in JAMA titled “Cellular therapy for type 1 diabetes: has the time come?” Dr Jay Skyler of the Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami, wrote:
“Research in this field is likely to explode in the next few years and should include randomized controlled trials, as well as mechanistic studies."
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Mercury Poisoning
Mercury was detected in nine of twenty samples of high fructose corn syrup analyzed as part of a pilot study conducted by researchers across the United States and published in the Journal of Environmental Health, issue, January 28th, 2009.
High fructose corn syrup is often used in processed food products to enhance shelf life. This syrup and many other products including citric acid and sodium benzoate are often produced at manufacturing plants that use mercury as part of the manufacturing process. Most often mercury is used as a negative electrode or cathode that aids in using electricity to process raw materials. Given the toxicity of mercury and its dangerous association with birth defects, mental retardation, and problems during pregnancy, use of mercury in food processing has raised questions about safety and about the possibility of mercury being deposited into food products.
In order to investigate these questions and concerns, a Environmental Health Officer (EHO) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) gathered twenty samples of high fructose syrup produced at three different manufacturing plants. The samples were found to contain levels of mercury ranging from below a detection limit of 0.005 to 0.570 micrograms mercury per gram of high fructose corn syrup with nearly one out of every two samples containing mercury.
Given that the average daily consumption of high fructose corn syrup from a variety of processed foods is about 50 grams per person in the United States, these researchers position that "it may be necessary to account for this source of mercury (exposure) in the diet of children and sensitive populations".
see article on my website on Mercury Poisoning and protocol
Growing Tomatoes Upside-Down
At first glance, this might look like an unusual way to grow tomatoes. But Jim Appleby from Iowa has discovered several benefits to hanging his tomatoes in buckets. First, the air can circulate better so the plants have almost no disease problems. Second, the fruit doesn’t rot as quickly as that on the ground. And finally, some critters that eat tomatoes have trouble getting to the ripening fruit.
To make the upside-down containers, Jim used 5-gallon buckets with tight-fitting lids. He recycled his from a restaurant, but says you can find them many places, such as paint or hardware stores.
Jim scrubs each bucket out with soapy water and makes sure the handle is attached securely. He cuts a 2-inch or larger diameter hole in the center of the lid and one in the bottom of the bucket. To make the holes, he uses a drill with a hole saw bit (an attachment for cutting a door to install the doorknob).
With the bucket standing upright and the lid off, Jim covers the hole in the bottom with a coffee filter or scrap of fabric. That way the soil won’t fall out when he turns the bucket over. He fills the bucket full of a lightweight potting mix, shaking it to settle the soil.
2 in. or larger diameter hole cut in bucket lid for both drainage and watering | Established tomato seedling ready to hang |
Before he puts the lid back on, Jim lays another coffee filter over the soil where the hole will be. Next, he puts the lid on and turns the bucket upside down.
Jim cuts a slit through the filter in the hole and plants a tomato seedling. To give the tomato a fast start, he strips off the lower leaves and plants the seedling deeply so roots can form along the stem. He places the planted bucket in a sunny location and keeps it well-watered for the next few weeks.
When the plant is about a foot tall, Jim’s ready to hang it up. The bucket needs a solid support to hold the weight. A clothesline pole is ideal. If you hang the bucket from a building, make sure it won’t bang into a window or the siding on a windy day.
This part is easier with two people — one to lift and hold the bucket and one to fasten the chain. Jim drapes a chain over the clothesline post while a friend lifts the bucket. He pulls the chain through the handle of the bucket and fastens the ends together. You can buy chain loops made specifically for fastening or use a piece of heavy wire and twist it to hold the chain together. Either way, Jim finds he can raise and lower the height to harvest his tomatoes
Thanks to Charles for this piece!
Go to my site...
Raised bed organic gardening
How to Set Up an Organic Soil-Bed GardenYou want to have a great gardening experience growing a high-production sustainable garden of healthy vegetables - and you're about to find out exactly HOW to do it! First off, you MUST have direct sunlight all day long for vegetables to thrive. Therefore, use only the space that has no shade. And don't worry if it seems small! You'll grow twice the food in one fourth the space others are using, so just do it right in the space you have. And actually, starting small is a good idea anyway! It's easier, more fun, and won't wear you out! Level ground, or something with a slight Southern slope is best, in order to catch the sun's strongest rays, and to avoid rapid water run-off that will wash out your soil, seeds, and seedlings. Begin by clearing your ground of EVERYTHING! No weeds, rocks, or anything else is allowed. "Cleanliness is next to godliness" certainly applies here, and you surely want your garden to be a thing of beauty, as well as being productive! Measure and stake the perimeter of your garden. This gives you an important starting point for figuring out how many soil-beds you can have, and then placing them properly. Let's use 25' X 35' as an example of what your garden area might be. It doesn't really matter what direction your beds face, so far as sun exposure is concerned. What does matter, though, is that the beds be level, and that you plant taller plants to the North or East of shorter plants. This is to assure that taller plants don't shade shorter plants, and rob them of essential sunlight. So, align your beds to maximize those factors as much as possible. I'll assume we are able to run the beds lengthwise along the 35' dimension. Your soil-beds should be 18" wide and any length you choose. When you become experienced in this method of growing, and want to specialize in growing certain crops all the time, you may want to begin using 4'-wide beds, but let's stick to the best family garden layout for now. The ideal size for aisles is 3 ½', and since we have 25' width in our example garden, this will give us 5 - 18" beds with 3 ½' aisles. If you have only 23' you could get by with aisles a little narrower. But don't squeeze those aisles! You will be growing plants that need all of that space, and reducing the aisle space only leads to problems of not enough light and air for your growing plants! We'll make our beds 30' long. This leaves us 2 ½' on each end of the garden for walking, and 30' is a good length, because it makes caring for the garden easy. More about that later. Using 18"-long stakes, stake your 5 - 18" X 30' beds, with 4 stakes per bed. Apply 32 ounces of the Mittleider Pre-Plant Mix, and 16 ounces of Weekly Feed Mix to the soil under your strings. This amounts to about 1 ounce and ½ ounce per running foot of those VERY important natural mineral nutrients. Dig or till the soil of your soil-bed to a depth of at least 8". Then, using nylon string, tie strings between the stakes, to outline your soil-beds. Begin making raised, ridged beds by pulling about 2+ inches of dirt from the aisles into the 18"-wide bed area under your strings. Smooth and level that dirt, and then check the level of your bed area. It must be level to make watering easy and efficient, so don't ignore this step! Move dirt from the high spots in your bed to the low spots, until your bed is no more than one inch higher at the water-source end than the other end. Make 4"-high ridges all around your bed by pulling soil from the center of the bed to just beneath the strings. When you're finished you should have a planting area that is about 12" wide and between 1 and 2" above the level of the aisles, with 4" ridges, the top of which are 18" apart. Re-check the level of your planting area, and move soil as necessary to keep the bed level from end to end. Your Mittleider "Best of Organic" garden is now ready to plant! |
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
This Post is Dedicated To Jimmy Arrington
As it takes years for our soil to be depleted of nutrients, so does it take years for our bodies to be depleted of nutrients, to keep us sick. At a time of crisis, extreme measures are taken, and they will take us out of crisis, but we must, follow up with the rebuilding so to speak, the renourishing to survive those extreme drugs that have taken us out of crisis. Look at what our so loving mother earth has given us to provide us with those answers.
The Austrian word for sick, is "what are you missing".
I support you in your life saving actions and I love you, Kate
photo by G.A. Jarrell
First Step in Organic Gardening
A simple effective thing that you can do today:
Begin a compost heap. Find an out of the way place in your garden and make a pile of leaves and grass. Save your coffee grounds and filters, fruit peels, tea bags,fruit cores in a milk carton and mix them with the leaves. Throw a handful of dirt on top of the pile and stir it with a shovel. Nature will do the rest.
Each day I will give step by step instructions on how to have an organic garden to feed you and your loved ones.
The Depletion of Our Soil
"In the future, we will not be able to rely anymore on our premise that the consumption of a varied balanced diet will provide all the essential trace elements, because such a diet will be very difficult to obtain for millions of people."
Dr. Walter Mertz, U.S. Department of Agriculture, told to congress in 1977.
Dr. Linus Pauling the two-time Nobel Prize winner states that: "You can trace every sickness, every disease, and every ailment to a mineral deficiency.
Dr. Charles Northen, MD researcher reports that, "In the absence of minerals, vitamins have no function. Lacking vitamins, the system can make use of the minerals, but lacking minerals vitamins are useless."
1992 Earth Summit Statistics
1992 Earth Summit Report* indicate that the mineral content of the world's farm and range land soil has decreased dramatically.
Percentage of Mineral Depletion From Soil During The Past 100 Years, By Continent:
North America 85% **
South America 76%
Asia 76%
Africa 74%
Europe 72%
Australia 55%
* You may remember the 1992 Earth Summit by the fact that President Bush wouldn't sign any of the treaties.
** Some US farms are 100% depleted and some are 60% depleted, the average is 85% depletion as compared to 100 years ago. This is worse than in any other country in the world because of the extended use of fertilizers and "maximum yield" mass farming methods.
Mineral nutrient depletion continues to be a problem in U.S. farm, forest and range soils. This depletion is caused by natural processes, such as weathering and erosion, particularly in the sensitive soils of the southeastern United States. More significantly, throughout the United States, human accelerated depletion is caused by the production of high yield crops and livestock grazing. Those activities cause nutrients to be removed and organic matter to be depleted from the soil's natural cycling system. Moreover, when commercial growers attempt to replenish the soils of only some mineral nutrients by fertilization they may exacerbate mineral nutrient imbalances. While methods exist to replenish the soil of its mineral nutrients there is a relative lack of knowledge on how to identify all deficiencies and to fully correct them. In addition, the lack of an economic incentive to implement long term, soil-building solutions perpetuates the relative fragility and inconsistency of US soils' nutrient supplying power.
Michael Karr, Ph.D.
ARCPACS Certified Professional Soil Scientist
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Baby Juan Pablo
I found his first thoracic vertebra, first cervical, and fifth cervical were misaligned, his left jaw, his occiput, temporal, and parietal cranial bones were also misaligned. His stomach was up applying pressure on his sternum, causing him much distress while eating.
Five minutes after Pablo's chiropractic adjustment, and cranio-sacral therapy, he immediately started to nurse, could move his head from side to side, smiled, responded to sound, and had a bowel movement.
I attribute Pablo's problems to a very aggressive birth. Chiropractic care and
Cranio Sacral therapy should be a part of every childbirth. Pass this story to all, so that every child will have the opportunity if needed.
Please say a prayer for Juan Pablo.
Thankyou to LMT Jennifer Bogan for her help with Baby Pablo
Monday, January 26, 2009
My message to all, is to love the present time, for it will pass, and as you look back, you will know, you have loved.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Saturday, January 24, 2009
A Misdiagnosis
The Psychiatrist prescribed anti depressants, and sent him home. Two weeks on the drug, he began having panic attacks, another drug for that was prescribed. Three weeks on those two drugs, and his blood pressure sky rocketed, head aches, and he began to slur his words. More drugs for high blood pressure, and of course pain medication for the headaches, and oh yes, anti siezure medication for the slurring. Let's see, that would be 5 drugs prescribed.
The principal of the school threatened to fire him, his wife threatened to leave him, his life was falling apart. One of his fellow workers suggested he make an appointment with me. Out of desperation, he did, a year later.
I found mono. Yes, mononucleosis. It makes sense doesn't it. I mean, he was a teacher and coach at a high school. Mono is highly contagious and only shows up in a blood test about 15% of the time.
We treated the virus, strengthened his adrenal glands with nutritional supplements, and he began to get his life back. The hardest part was getting off the drugs his body was now addicted to, after all, it had been a year.
The great news is, he succeeded in weaning off the drugs in about 6 months, and is doing just fine.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Continuation of Root Canal Cover Up
Dr Kate
Thursday, January 22, 2009
The Root Canal Cover Up
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Health Crisis
Today, as Obama is sworn in to the Presidency, there is great hope for our nation. I also have great hope for our nations healthcare. It will take educating the people on how to heal themselves, to ask questions, and to become independent of our present healthcare system. I dedicate this blog to teaching people to be their own doctor.