Xenohormones are substances (pollutants) originating outside the body that have hormone-like and estrogen-like activities. Exposure to these substances can have a profound impact on your natural hormonal balance.
Xenohormone exposure is especially high in today's industrialized countries and results from consumption of feed lot meats and dairy products (full of synthetic hormones), commercially grown fruits and vegetables (grown with pesticides, herbicides, and chemicals) petrochemical compounds (perfume, hair spray, room deodorizers, cooking with plastic, etc…) and prescription synthetic estrogens and progestins (such as the pill and estrogen replacement therapy). These exposures are responsible for reproductive abnormalities that are approaching epidemic proportions such as; cancers of the reproductive tract, infertility, and low sperm counts.
The potential consequences of these exposures are overwhelming, especially since we are passing these reproductive abnormalities on to our children.
If you feel you have been exposed to Xenohormones, and would like to detox from them, please visit my website at drkatekeville.com. I have liver detoxification protocols you can do as well as nutritional supplements you can take to maintain a balanced hormonal system. Here are some tips to avoid xenohormones.
* Wear natural fibres.
* Buy hormone free organic meats.
* Buy organic produce, vegetables and fruits grown without pesticides, herbicides or synthetic fertilizers or hormones.
* Use glass or ceramics whenever possible to store food and water.
* Use a simple detergent with lesser chemicals. This includes laundry detergents and household cleaners.
* Use organic soaps, shampoo and personal care products.
* Use natural pest control not pesticides.
* Don’t use herbicides. Use a cup of salt in 4 liters of vinegar instead.
* Use of Vitamin A, C, E to combat xenoestrogen effects.
* Eat broccoli, cabbage etc.
* Use condoms without spermicides instead of birth control.
* Avoid parabens used in skin care products.