Amy came to me because her ankle was not healing after 8 weeks of being in a boot. That is a long time. She could not walk, drive or do what she was use to doing on a daily basis. Amy, has been on thyroid medication for over 2 years. Amy, smart as she is, asked her doctor, "Could my thyroid could have anything to do with my ankle not healing as it should?"
Her doctor,not remembering his anatomy and physiology, answered, " no, it's depression." "Let me give you an antidepressant."
These doctors have got to get a clue.
First of all, long term usage of synthroid causes liver cancer.
Secondly, the thyroid produces T1, T2, T3, T4, and calcitonin. Calcitonin is responsible for the body absorbing calcium, which allows broken bones to heal. Synthroid only replaces one of those important hormones...not calcitonin.
Finally, did her doctor question the pituitary, hypothalmus, or pineal gland in this situation?
Lets take a closer look... anti depressants to heal a broken ankle?? Give me a break!! Excuse the pun, but, let me tell you that after one week on a great whole food calcium/phosforous supplement, her ankle is healing just fine. The fact that the doctor called her depressed is as ridiculous as the patient I have whose doctor cut of her baby toes because they hurt. (stay tuned for a future blog)