Monday, January 26, 2009


As I follow Cate Ryba's Blog on her life with Winnie, I find myself thinking, if I only had the technology to blog about my son's life. I think it is beautiful beyond words. My son, now 24, has asked me to let go, and think positive about his endevours. He is celebrating being alive, and traveling the world, I here, wait for his calls, and emails, to know he is ok. I love him with my heart and soul. I remember, as I watch Cate with Winnie, changing diapers, and lacking sleep, thinking, when will I be me again, and now that I have "me" again, I long for those intimate days of snuggling, embracing, holding, and reading to my child the books that would make him smile.

My message to all, is to love the present time, for it will pass, and as you look back, you will know, you have loved.


Cate Ryba said...

Thank you for such a wonderful post. As I sat and nursed Winnie to sleep tonight, I realized how BIG she is...and how soon she will be a toddler and not an infant.
Your post helps remind me to embrace and fully BE in every moment we have together.
Thank you for all your help and reassurance throughout this special time in our lives...and, of course, all the many, many, many other times you've helped me and my family with our health. We are lucky to have you as our doctor, and our friend.

Principesa said...

thanks for this post, Doctor Kate! I love you; you are beautiful.
