NEW ULM, Minn., May 25 (UPI) -- A mother and 13-year-old son who allegedly fled after a judge ordered him to undergo chemotherapy have returned to Minnesota, police say.
Daniel Hauser's family wanted to rely on natural healing methods instead of technology, but doctors said he would die without chemotherapy, the (Minneapolis) Star Tribune reported. The teen has a tumor growing in his chest.
Brown County officials said there would be a news conference on the case Monday evening at the courthouse in New Ulm, Minn.
County officials said they had been working with state and federal officials, including the FBI, to find the teenager. The Star Tribune said the Hausers were thought to have gone to Mexico to seek natural healing treatment.
There are up to 50 clinics in Mexican border communities offering cancer patients alternative treatment, the American Cancer Society says.
My son Kevil Murray was diagnosed with testicular cancer almost three years ago. He was given six months to live, unless he did chemo therapy, radiation, and radical surgery. He had one baseball size tumor on his left testicle, and three tumors surrounding his kidney's. Kevil made the choice of doing Gerson Therapy for his cancer. The chemo therapy doctor's called me a murderer, and told me if Kevil were under the age of eighteen, they would have me arrested. My son is living, celebrating his life, and helping others to heal themselves of cancer. He did not lose his hair, vomit, or poison his body with the chemicals and surgeries the medical doctors had planned for him.
It should be a crime for the American Medical Establishment to have the power to force a child, and or parents to adhere to their beliefs that chemo therapy cures cancer. It is a lie. How dare they believe that the human body given the right God given nutrition and detoxification cannot be healed of any disease. How dare they take away our rights to decide for ourselves how we want to heal.
1 comment:
I find it extremely courageous to make that choice and to stand for it. "Accepted" scientists reflect themselves too often as gods but earn far too much on the sicknesses of people.
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