Jane D. came to my office at the age of 16. Jane's parents signed her out of the State Mental Institution for two days to find help for their struggling daughter. When Jane was 14, about a month before beginning her menstrual cycle, she began to have psychotic episodes. She would have days of depression followed by days of manic behavior. The migraines began the day before her cycle. Jane began cutting herself, acting out, and threatening suicide. Her parents, terrified of this crazy behavior, took her to their doctor, who referred her to a therapist. The therapist referred her to a psychiatrist, who diagnosed her manic depressant/schizophrenic. The prescribed drugs sedated Jane, and stopped most of the crazy behavior, that is, until she was premenstrual again. After two years of scary episodes, Jane was admitted into a State Institution. More drugs, electro shock treatment, you name it, they did it.
I examined and tested Jane to find the following imbalances: Epstein Barr Virus, Pituitary gland, Hypothalmus gland, Pineal gland, Thyroid, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Adrenal glands, Estrogen dominance, Progesterone deficiency, Irritable bowel, Gall bladder congestion, and a distrupted sleep cycle. In my tests, emotionally, I found nothing, that is, nothing but a frustrated young girl.
I suggested nutritional supplements to help strengthen her immune system, balance her hormones, as well as correcting her digestive and sleep cycle problems. Fortunately, her psychiatrist went along with the nutritional protocol, and Jane was released from the State Institution within three months. The greatest issue of course was breaking the addiction to the pharmaceutical antipsychotic drugs.
Jane is well. She finished high school, graduated from college, and recently met the love of her life.
There are many clues to our health issues. Let us all listen to our bodies, and ask questions before we are led down a path that is irreversable.
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