Billy came to my office with severe back pain. The pain came on "out of no where". He could barely walk, stand, or lie down without pain. The MRI and Xrays were normal, but his orthopedic surgeon scheduled an exploratory surgery. I checked his spine, and found a bulging disc between the 4th and 5th lumbar vertebra, and his right hip was misaligned. I adjusted him, but no pain relief. I suggested he go home and allow the adjustment to take effect. Billy came in again the next day, with no change, in fact, he said the pain was worse. I studied his case history to discover he had an inguinal hernia surgery ten years ago. I palpated the surgical scar to discover much scar tissue. I could tell Billy thought I was crazy when I began breaking up the scar tissue on the front of his body, because the pain was in his back. Within fifteen minutes, his pain decreased by eighty percent. Billy was able to stand, bend, sit, and move without pain. You see, the scar tissue had twisted and wrapped around his hip and low back vertrebra.
Scar tissue is responsible for many health problems, and is rarely addressed. Barnes Myofascial Release is a technique used to break up scar tissue from the outside. Remember, if the scar tissue is removed surgically, of course more scar tissue will be created from that surgery.
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