Dennis B. came to my office kicking and fighting, his wife insisting he let me take a look at him. He had been suffering from severe leg pain for over 45 years. Dennis was a Vietnam Veteran. While in Viet Nam, the jeep he was riding in was blown up, he was thrown several hundred feet to meet head on, a tree. He laid in a coma for weeks, the medic's presumed he would die. Remarkably, Dennis awakened three weeks later, with leg pain. His doctor's told him he was lucky to be alive, and the leg pain would be something he would have to live with.
I examined Dennis from head to toe, only to find his cranial bones,(the skull bones), were barely moving. You see, the cranial bones must move to allow the cerebral spinal fluid to bathe the brain. When these bones are misaligned, or "locked up" as I like to call it, the body can be affected in many different ways.
I adjusted Dennis' cranium, using Upledger Cranio Sacral technique. About 2 minutes into the adjustment, Dennis fell sound asleep. I worked on his cranium for over 30 minutes. When Dennis awakened, he was very surprised, as was I, that his leg pain was gone! Head injuries, and childbirth can cause the cranium to become misaligned, so make it a point to have your cranium aligned!
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